
(2023). Hairpin: Rethinking Packet Loss Recovery in Edge-based Interactive Video Streaming. To appear in Proc. USENIX NSDI 2024.

(2021). Towards Optimization for Large-scale Earth Observation Missions from a Global Perspective. In Proc. APNet (poster) 2021.

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(2021). Quantifying the Transient Performance of Congestion Control Algorithms. In Proc. SIGCOMM Poster & Demos 2021.

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(2021). Physical-Layer Informed Multipath Redundancy Optimization for Mobile Real-Time Communication. In Proc. APNet (poster) 2021.

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(2021). HierTopo: Towards High-Performance and Efficient Topology Optimization for Dynamic Networks. In Proc. IEEE IWQoS 2021.

PDF Cite Code Slides DOI

(2020). Practically Deploying Heavyweight Adaptive Bitrate Algorithms With Teacher-Student Learning. In TON 2020.


(2020). Always Heading for the Peak: Learning to Route with Domain Knowledge. In Proc. INFOCOM WKSHPS 2020.

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(2019). PiTree: Practical Implementation of ABR Algorithms Using Decision Trees. In Proc. ACM MM 2019.

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